JWT-CPP v0.7.1
A header only library for creating and validating JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in C++
No Matches
jwt::helper Namespace Reference

A collection for working with certificates. More...


class  evp_pkey_handle
 Handle class for EVP_PKEY structures. More...


std::unique_ptr< BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> make_mem_buf_bio ()
std::unique_ptr< BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> make_mem_buf_bio (const std::string &data)
template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
std::string write_bio_to_string (std::unique_ptr< BIO, decltype(&BIO_free_all)> &bio_out, std::error_code &ec)
std::unique_ptr< EVP_MD_CTX, void(*)(EVP_MD_CTX *)> make_evp_md_ctx ()
template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
std::string extract_pubkey_from_cert (const std::string &certstr, const std::string &pw, std::error_code &ec)
 Extract the public key of a pem certificate.
template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
std::string extract_pubkey_from_cert (const std::string &certstr, const std::string &pw="")
 Extract the public key of a pem certificate.
std::string convert_der_to_pem (const std::string &cert_der_str, std::error_code &ec)
 Convert the certificate provided as DER to PEM.
template<typename Decode >
std::string convert_base64_der_to_pem (const std::string &cert_base64_der_str, Decode decode, std::error_code &ec)
 Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.
template<typename Decode >
std::string convert_base64_der_to_pem (const std::string &cert_base64_der_str, Decode decode)
 Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.
std::string convert_der_to_pem (const std::string &cert_der_str)
 Convert the certificate provided as DER to PEM.
std::string convert_base64_der_to_pem (const std::string &cert_base64_der_str, std::error_code &ec)
 Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.
std::string convert_base64_der_to_pem (const std::string &cert_base64_der_str)
 Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.
template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle load_public_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password, std::error_code &ec)
 Load a public key from a string.
template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle load_public_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password="")
 Load a public key from a string.
template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle load_private_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password, std::error_code &ec)
 Load a private key from a string.
template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle load_private_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password="")
 Load a private key from a string.
evp_pkey_handle load_public_ec_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password, std::error_code &ec)
 Load a public key from a string.
std::string bn2raw (const BIGNUM *bn)
std::unique_ptr< BIGNUM, decltype(&BN_free)> raw2bn (const std::string &raw, std::error_code &ec)
std::unique_ptr< BIGNUM, decltype(&BN_free)> raw2bn (const std::string &raw)
evp_pkey_handle load_public_ec_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password="")
 Load a public key from a string.
evp_pkey_handle load_private_ec_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password, std::error_code &ec)
 Load a private key from a string.
template<typename Decode >
std::string create_public_key_from_rsa_components (const std::string &modulus, const std::string &exponent, Decode decode, std::error_code &ec)
 create public key from modulus and exponent. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.3 Using the required "n" (Modulus) Parameter and "e" (Exponent) Parameter.
template<typename Decode >
std::string create_public_key_from_rsa_components (const std::string &modulus, const std::string &exponent, Decode decode)
std::string create_public_key_from_rsa_components (const std::string &modulus, const std::string &exponent, std::error_code &ec)
std::string create_public_key_from_rsa_components (const std::string &modulus, const std::string &exponent)
evp_pkey_handle load_private_ec_key_from_string (const std::string &key, const std::string &password="")
 Load a private key from a string.
int curve2nid (const std::string curve, std::error_code &ec)
 Convert a curve name to an ID.
template<typename Decode >
std::string create_public_key_from_ec_components (const std::string &curve, const std::string &x, const std::string &y, Decode decode, std::error_code &ec)
template<typename Decode >
std::string create_public_key_from_ec_components (const std::string &curve, const std::string &x, const std::string &y, Decode decode)
std::string create_public_key_from_ec_components (const std::string &curve, const std::string &x, const std::string &y, std::error_code &ec)
std::string create_public_key_from_ec_components (const std::string &curve, const std::string &x, const std::string &y)

Detailed Description

A collection for working with certificates.

These helpers are usefully when working with certificates OpenSSL APIs. For example, when dealing with JWKS (JSON Web Key Set)[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517] you maybe need to extract the modulus and exponent of an RSA Public Key.

Function Documentation

◆ bn2raw()

std::string jwt::helper::bn2raw ( const BIGNUM * bn)

Convert a OpenSSL BIGNUM to a std::string

bnBIGNUM to convert
bignum as string

◆ convert_base64_der_to_pem() [1/4]

std::string jwt::helper::convert_base64_der_to_pem ( const std::string & cert_base64_der_str)

Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.

This is useful when using with JWKs as x5c claim is encoded as base64 DER. More info here

cert_base64_der_strString containing the certificate encoded as base64 DER
rsa_exceptionif an error occurred

◆ convert_base64_der_to_pem() [2/4]

template<typename Decode >
std::string jwt::helper::convert_base64_der_to_pem ( const std::string & cert_base64_der_str,
Decode decode )

Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.

This is useful when using with JWKs as x5c claim is encoded as base64 DER. More info here

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64 decode and return the results.
cert_base64_der_strString containing the certificate encoded as base64 DER
decodeThe function to decode the cert
rsa_exceptionif an error occurred

◆ convert_base64_der_to_pem() [3/4]

template<typename Decode >
std::string jwt::helper::convert_base64_der_to_pem ( const std::string & cert_base64_der_str,
Decode decode,
std::error_code & ec )

Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.

This is useful when using with JWKs as x5c claim is encoded as base64 DER. More info here.

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64 decode and return the results.
cert_base64_der_strString containing the certificate encoded as base64 DER
decodeThe function to decode the cert
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)

◆ convert_base64_der_to_pem() [4/4]

std::string jwt::helper::convert_base64_der_to_pem ( const std::string & cert_base64_der_str,
std::error_code & ec )

Convert the certificate provided as base64 DER to PEM.

This is useful when using with JWKs as x5c claim is encoded as base64 DER. More info here

cert_base64_der_strString containing the certificate encoded as base64 DER
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)

◆ convert_der_to_pem() [1/2]

std::string jwt::helper::convert_der_to_pem ( const std::string & cert_der_str)

Convert the certificate provided as DER to PEM.

cert_der_strString containing the DER certificate
rsa_exceptionif an error occurred

◆ convert_der_to_pem() [2/2]

std::string jwt::helper::convert_der_to_pem ( const std::string & cert_der_str,
std::error_code & ec )

Convert the certificate provided as DER to PEM.

cert_der_strString containing the certificate encoded as base64 DER
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)

◆ create_public_key_from_ec_components() [1/4]

std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_ec_components ( const std::string & curve,
const std::string & x,
const std::string & y )

Create public key from curve name and coordinates. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.2 Using the required "crv" (Curve), "x" (X Coordinate) and "y" (Y Coordinate) Parameters.

curvestring containing curve name
xstring containing base64url encoded x coordinate
ystring containing base64url encoded y coordinate
public key in PEM format

◆ create_public_key_from_ec_components() [2/4]

template<typename Decode >
std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_ec_components ( const std::string & curve,
const std::string & x,
const std::string & y,
Decode decode )

Create public key from curve name and coordinates. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.2 Using the required "crv" (Curve), "x" (X Coordinate) and "y" (Y Coordinate) Parameters.

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
curvestring containing curve name
xstring containing base64url encoded x coordinate
ystring containing base64url encoded y coordinate
decodeThe function to decode the RSA parameters
public key in PEM format

◆ create_public_key_from_ec_components() [3/4]

template<typename Decode >
std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_ec_components ( const std::string & curve,
const std::string & x,
const std::string & y,
Decode decode,
std::error_code & ec )

Create public key from curve name and coordinates. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.2 Using the required "crv" (Curve), "x" (X Coordinate) and "y" (Y Coordinate) Parameters.

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
curvestring containing curve name
xstring containing base64url encoded x coordinate
ystring containing base64url encoded y coordinate
decodeThe function to decode the RSA parameters
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occur
public key in PEM format

◆ create_public_key_from_ec_components() [4/4]

std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_ec_components ( const std::string & curve,
const std::string & x,
const std::string & y,
std::error_code & ec )

Create public key from curve name and coordinates. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.2 Using the required "crv" (Curve), "x" (X Coordinate) and "y" (Y Coordinate) Parameters.

curvestring containing curve name
xstring containing base64url encoded x coordinate
ystring containing base64url encoded y coordinate
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occur
public key in PEM format

◆ create_public_key_from_rsa_components() [1/4]

std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_rsa_components ( const std::string & modulus,
const std::string & exponent )

Create public key from modulus and exponent. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.3 Using the required "n" (Modulus) Parameter and "e" (Exponent) Parameter.

modulusstring containing base64url encoded modulus
exponentstring containing base64url encoded exponent
public key in PEM format

◆ create_public_key_from_rsa_components() [2/4]

template<typename Decode >
std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_rsa_components ( const std::string & modulus,
const std::string & exponent,
Decode decode )

Create public key from modulus and exponent. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.3 Using the required "n" (Modulus) Parameter and "e" (Exponent) Parameter.

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
modulusstring containing base64url encoded modulus
exponentstring containing base64url encoded exponent
decodeThe function to decode the RSA parameters
public key in PEM format

◆ create_public_key_from_rsa_components() [3/4]

template<typename Decode >
std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_rsa_components ( const std::string & modulus,
const std::string & exponent,
Decode decode,
std::error_code & ec )

create public key from modulus and exponent. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.3 Using the required "n" (Modulus) Parameter and "e" (Exponent) Parameter.

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
modulusstring containing base64url encoded modulus
exponentstring containing base64url encoded exponent
decodeThe function to decode the RSA parameters
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occur
public key in PEM format

◆ create_public_key_from_rsa_components() [4/4]

std::string jwt::helper::create_public_key_from_rsa_components ( const std::string & modulus,
const std::string & exponent,
std::error_code & ec )

Create public key from modulus and exponent. This is defined in RFC 7518 Section 6.3 Using the required "n" (Modulus) Parameter and "e" (Exponent) Parameter.

modulusstring containing base64 encoded modulus
exponentstring containing base64 encoded exponent
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occur
public key in PEM format

◆ curve2nid()

int jwt::helper::curve2nid ( const std::string curve,
std::error_code & ec )

Convert a curve name to an ID.

curvestring containing curve name
ecerror_code for error_detection

◆ extract_pubkey_from_cert() [1/2]

template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
std::string jwt::helper::extract_pubkey_from_cert ( const std::string & certstr,
const std::string & pw,
std::error_code & ec )

Extract the public key of a pem certificate.

Template Parameters
error_categoryjwt::error enum category to match with the keys being used
certstrString containing the certificate encoded as pem
pwPassword used to decrypt certificate (leave empty if not encrypted)
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurred)

◆ extract_pubkey_from_cert() [2/2]

template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
std::string jwt::helper::extract_pubkey_from_cert ( const std::string & certstr,
const std::string & pw = "" )

Extract the public key of a pem certificate.

Template Parameters
error_categoryjwt::error enum category to match with the keys being used
certstrString containing the certificate encoded as pem
pwPassword used to decrypt certificate (leave empty if not encrypted)
templatederror_category's type exception if an error occurred

◆ load_private_ec_key_from_string() [1/2]

evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_private_ec_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password,
std::error_code & ec )

Load a private key from a string.

Use the templated version helper::load_private_key_from_string with error::ecdsa_error
keyString containing a private key as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt key (leave empty if not encrypted)
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)

◆ load_private_ec_key_from_string() [2/2]

evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_private_ec_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password = "" )

Load a private key from a string.

Use the templated version helper::load_private_key_from_string with error::ecdsa_error
keyString containing a private key as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt key (leave empty if not encrypted)
ecdsa_exceptionif an error occurred

◆ load_private_key_from_string() [1/2]

template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_private_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password,
std::error_code & ec )

Load a private key from a string.

Template Parameters
error_categoryjwt::error enum category to match with the keys being used
keyString containing a private key as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt key (leave empty if not encrypted)
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)

◆ load_private_key_from_string() [2/2]

template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_private_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password = "" )

Load a private key from a string.

Template Parameters
error_categoryjwt::error enum category to match with the keys being used
keyString containing a private key as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt key (leave empty if not encrypted)
Templatederror_category's type exception if an error occurred

◆ load_public_ec_key_from_string() [1/2]

evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_public_ec_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password,
std::error_code & ec )

Load a public key from a string.

The string should contain a pem encoded certificate or public key

Use the templated version helper::load_private_key_from_string with error::ecdsa_error
keyString containing the certificate encoded as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt certificate (leave empty if not encrypted)
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)

◆ load_public_ec_key_from_string() [2/2]

evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_public_ec_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password = "" )

Load a public key from a string.

The string should contain a pem encoded certificate or public key

Use the templated version helper::load_private_key_from_string with error::ecdsa_error
keyString containing the certificate or key encoded as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt certificate or key (leave empty if not encrypted)
ecdsa_exceptionif an error occurred

◆ load_public_key_from_string() [1/2]

template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_public_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password,
std::error_code & ec )

Load a public key from a string.

The string should contain a pem encoded certificate or public key

Template Parameters
error_categoryjwt::error enum category to match with the keys being used
keyString containing the certificate encoded as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt certificate (leave empty if not encrypted)
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)

◆ load_public_key_from_string() [2/2]

template<typename error_category = error::rsa_error>
evp_pkey_handle jwt::helper::load_public_key_from_string ( const std::string & key,
const std::string & password = "" )

Load a public key from a string.

The string should contain a pem encoded certificate or public key

Template Parameters
error_categoryjwt::error enum category to match with the keys being used
keyString containing the certificate encoded as pem
passwordPassword used to decrypt certificate (leave empty if not encrypted)
Templatederror_category's type exception if an error occurred

◆ raw2bn() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< BIGNUM, decltype(&BN_free)> jwt::helper::raw2bn ( const std::string & raw)

Convert an std::string to a OpenSSL BIGNUM

rawString to convert
BIGNUM representation

◆ raw2bn() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< BIGNUM, decltype(&BN_free)> jwt::helper::raw2bn ( const std::string & raw,
std::error_code & ec )

Convert an std::string to a OpenSSL BIGNUM

rawString to convert
ecerror_code for error_detection (gets cleared if no error occurs)
BIGNUM representation