JWT-CPP v0.7.1
A header only library for creating and validating JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in C++
No Matches
jwt Namespace Reference

JSON Web Token. More...


namespace  algorithm
 Various cryptographic algorithms when working with JWT.
namespace  alphabet
 character maps when encoding and decoding
namespace  base
 A collection of fellable functions for working with base64 and base64url.
namespace  error
 Everything related to error codes issued by the library.
namespace  helper
 A collection for working with certificates.
namespace  json
 JSON Abstractions for working with any library.
namespace  traits
 Namespace containing all the json_trait implementations for a jwt::basic_claim.


class  basic_claim
 a class to store a generic JSON value as claim More...
class  builder
class  decoded_jwt
struct  default_clock
class  header
class  jwk
 JSON Web Key. More...
class  jwks
 JWK Set. More...
class  payload
class  verifier


using date = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point
using claim = basic_claim<traits::boost_json>
 a class to store a generic Boost.JSON value as claim
using verify_context = verify_ops::verify_context<traits::boost_json>


template<typename Clock , typename json_traits >
verifier< Clock, json_traits > verify (Clock c)
template<typename Clock , typename json_traits >
builder< Clock, json_traits > create (Clock c)
template<typename json_traits >
verifier< default_clock, json_traits > verify (default_clock c={})
template<typename json_traits >
builder< default_clock, json_traits > create (default_clock c={})
template<typename json_traits , typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< json_traits > decode (const typename json_traits::string_type &token, Decode decode)
 Decode a token. This can be used to to help access important feild like 'x5c' for verifying tokens. See associated example rsa-verify.cpp for more details.
template<typename json_traits >
decoded_jwt< json_traits > decode (const typename json_traits::string_type &token)
template<typename json_traits >
jwk< json_traits > parse_jwk (const typename json_traits::string_type &jwk_)
template<typename json_traits >
jwks< json_traits > parse_jwks (const typename json_traits::string_type &jwks_)
verifier< default_clock, traits::boost_jsonverify ()
builder< default_clock, traits::boost_jsoncreate ()
decoded_jwt< traits::boost_jsondecode (const std::string &token)
template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::boost_jsondecode (const std::string &token, Decode decode)
jwk< traits::boost_jsonparse_jwk (const traits::boost_json::string_type &token)
jwks< traits::boost_jsonparse_jwks (const traits::boost_json::string_type &token)
template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::danielaparker_jsonconsdecode (const std::string &token, Decode decode)
template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::kazuho_picojsondecode (const std::string &token, Decode decode)
template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::nlohmann_jsondecode (const std::string &token, Decode decode)
template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::open_source_parsers_jsoncppdecode (const std::string &token, Decode decode)

Detailed Description

JSON Web Token.

A namespace to contain everything related to handling JSON Web Tokens, JWT for short, as a part of RFC7519, or alternatively for JWS (JSON Web Signature) from RFC7515

Typedef Documentation

◆ claim

a class to store a generic Boost.JSON value as claim

a class to store a generic jsoncpp value as claim

a class to store a generic JSON for Modern C++ value as claim

a class to store a generic picojson value as claim

a class to store a generic jsoncons value as claim

This type is the specialization of the basic_claim class which uses the standard template types.

◆ date

using jwt::date = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point

Default system time point in UTC

◆ verify_context

This type is the specialization of the verify_ops::verify_context class which uses the standard template types.

Function Documentation

◆ create() [1/3]

Create a builder using the default clock

builder instance to create a new token

◆ create() [2/3]

template<typename Clock , typename json_traits >
builder< Clock, json_traits > jwt::create ( Clock c)

Create a builder using the given clock

cClock instance to use
builder instance

◆ create() [3/3]

template<typename json_traits >
builder< default_clock, json_traits > jwt::create ( default_clock c = {})

Return a builder instance to create a new token

◆ decode() [1/8]

decoded_jwt< traits::open_source_parsers_jsoncpp > jwt::decode ( const std::string & token)

Decode a token

tokenToken to decode
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ decode() [2/8]

template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::boost_json > jwt::decode ( const std::string & token,
Decode decode )

Decode a token

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
tokenToken to decode
decodeThe token to parse
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ decode() [3/8]

template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::danielaparker_jsoncons > jwt::decode ( const std::string & token,
Decode decode )

Decode a token

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
tokenToken to decode
decodeThe token to parse
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ decode() [4/8]

template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::kazuho_picojson > jwt::decode ( const std::string & token,
Decode decode )

Decode a token

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
tokenToken to decode
decodeThe token to parse
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ decode() [5/8]

template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::nlohmann_json > jwt::decode ( const std::string & token,
Decode decode )

Decode a token

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
tokenToken to decode
decodeThe token to parse
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ decode() [6/8]

template<typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< traits::open_source_parsers_jsoncpp > jwt::decode ( const std::string & token,
Decode decode )

Decode a token

Template Parameters
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
tokenToken to decode
decodeThe token to parse
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ decode() [7/8]

template<typename json_traits >
decoded_jwt< json_traits > jwt::decode ( const typename json_traits::string_type & token)

Decode a token. This can be used to to help access important feild like 'x5c' for verifying tokens. See associated example rsa-verify.cpp for more details.

Template Parameters
json_traitsJSON implementation traits
tokenToken to decode
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ decode() [8/8]

template<typename json_traits , typename Decode >
decoded_jwt< json_traits > jwt::decode ( const typename json_traits::string_type & token,
Decode decode )

Decode a token. This can be used to to help access important feild like 'x5c' for verifying tokens. See associated example rsa-verify.cpp for more details.

Template Parameters
json_traitsJSON implementation traits
Decodeis callable, taking a string_type and returns a string_type. It should ensure the padding of the input and then base64url decode and return the results.
tokenToken to decode
decodefunction that will pad and base64url decode the token
Decoded token
std::invalid_argumentToken is not in correct format
std::runtime_errorBase64 decoding failed or invalid json

◆ parse_jwk() [1/2]

jwk< traits::open_source_parsers_jsoncpp > jwt::parse_jwk ( const traits::boost_json::string_type & token)

Parse a jwk

tokenJWK Token to parse
Parsed JWK
std::runtime_errorToken is not in correct format

◆ parse_jwk() [2/2]

template<typename json_traits >
jwk< json_traits > jwt::parse_jwk ( const typename json_traits::string_type & jwk_)

Parse a single JSON Web Key

Template Parameters
json_traitsJSON implementation traits
jwk_string buffer containing the JSON object
Decoded jwk

◆ parse_jwks() [1/2]

jwks< traits::open_source_parsers_jsoncpp > jwt::parse_jwks ( const traits::boost_json::string_type & token)

Parse a jwks

tokenJWKs Token to parse
Parsed JWKs
std::runtime_errorToken is not in correct format

◆ parse_jwks() [2/2]

template<typename json_traits >
jwks< json_traits > jwt::parse_jwks ( const typename json_traits::string_type & jwks_)

Parse a JSON Web Key Set. This can be used to to help access important feild like 'x5c' for verifying tokens. See example jwks-verify.cpp for more information.

Template Parameters
json_traitsJSON implementation traits
jwks_string buffer containing the JSON object
Parsed JSON object containing the data of the JWK SET string
std::runtime_errorToken is not in correct format

◆ verify() [1/3]

Create a verifier using the default clock

verifier instance

◆ verify() [2/3]

template<typename Clock , typename json_traits >
verifier< Clock, json_traits > jwt::verify ( Clock c)

Create a verifier using the given clock

cClock instance to use
verifier instance

◆ verify() [3/3]

template<typename json_traits >
verifier< default_clock, json_traits > jwt::verify ( default_clock c = {})

Create a verifier using the default_clock.

cClock instance to use
verifier instance